Since : --Select Y |
Business Domain : Educational |
Service Type :
Software | Website
Project Type :University Management System (UMS)
Project Overview
Website along with Database Management and Online Submission and Processing of Scrutiny Forms, Carry Over Forms, Semester Exam Form, Alumni Interface, VC's Desk, Complaint Management System and other dynamic activities
Solutions Provided
- Design, Development, Maintenance and Hosting of Website (Former)
- College Login Module for 715 + colleges. (Former)
- Online Enrolment of 100000+ students each year (Former)
- Enrolment of M. Tech / M.Pharma, MCA Lateral Entry, Ph.D. Students (Former)
- Alumni Interface, VCs Desk Modules, Complaint Management System (Former)
- • Database Management and Online Submission and Processing of Semester Exam Form of 3.8 Lac Students, 60000 Carry Over Form, Sessional Marks of 3.8 Lac Students and 3500 Scrutiny Form, Online Practical Duty Allotment (Former)
- • Hosting of Result and Admit Cards, Display & Printing of Online Marksheet & Provisional Certificates and Examination Absentee Marking Module (Former)
- Provision of Dedicated Remote Web Server (Former)